Supportive/Interim Measures

Supportive Measures

During the Equity and Title IX Resolution Processes, the Office of Institutional Equity may provide supportive measures. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the Complainant or the Respondent before or after the filing of a Complaint or where no Complaint has been filed. These measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other Party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all Parties or the University’s education environment, or deter sexual harassment. The University will maintain as confidential any Supportive Measures provided to the Complainant or Respondent, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the University to provide the Supportive Measures. The Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the effective implementation of Supportive Measures. Supportive Measures may include:

  • Referral and facilitating contact for the Complainant or Respondent for counseling or other support services.
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between the Parties.
  • Providing campus escort services to the Parties.
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus.
  • Adjusting the extracurricular activities, work schedules, work assignments, supervisory responsibilities, or work arrangements of the Complainant and/or the Respondent, as appropriate.
  • If either Party is a student:
    • Referral of that Party to academic support services and any other services that may be beneficial to the Party.
    • Adjusting the courses, assignments, and/or exam schedules of the Party.
    • Altering the on-campus housing assignments, dining arrangements, or other campus services for the Party.
  • Providing limited transportation accommodations for the Parties.
  • Informing the Parties of the right to notify law enforcement authorities of the alleged incident and offering to help facilitate such a report.

Policies: CRR 600.030(H), CRR 600.040(H), and CRR 600.050(I)

Emergency Removal

The Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator may implement a removal of a Respondent from the University’s education program or activity on an emergency basis, if the Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator, after conducting an individualized safety and risk analysis, determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment, justifies removal.

In all cases in which an Emergency Removal is imposed, the Respondent will immediately be given notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision of the Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator either prior to such Removal being imposed, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible but no later than five (5) business days following the Removal. Any challenge by Respondent shall be made in writing and directed to the Title IX Coordinator and must show cause why the Removal should not be implemented. The Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator will forward the challenge to the Emergency Removal Appeal Individual/Committee, which will make a final decision on Removal within three (3) business days.

Violation of an Emergency Removal under this policy may be grounds for discipline under applicable University conduct policy.

Policies: CRR 600.030(H) and CRR 600.040(H)

Additional Reference: UM System Emergency Removal Safety and Risk Analysis

Interim Suspension of Student Organization

The Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator may suspend, on an interim basis, a Respondent Student Organization’s operations, University recognition, access to and use of the University campus/facilities/events and/or all other University activities or privileges for which the Respondent Student Organization might otherwise be eligible, pending the completion of the Equity or Title IX Process when the Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator finds and believes from available information that the presence of the student organization on campus would seriously disrupt the University or constitute a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of members of the University community. The appropriate procedure to determine the future status of the student organization will be initiated within seven (7) business days.

Policies: CRR 600.030(H) and CRR 600.040(H)

Administrative Leave

The Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator may implement an administrative leave for an employee in accordance with University Human Resources Policies. Administrative leave for an employee is not an Emergency Removal under this policy.

Policies: CRR 600.030(H), CRR 600.040(H), and CRR 600.050(I)