We provide presentations and trainings throughout campus and the community to share information about our office, university policies and procedures, resources available to all parties, and ongoing efforts to prevent harassment and discrimination.
Informational Flier to display on campus: Click Here
U Got This! Student Training
U Got This! is an online video-based program that provides critical information about sexual assault, consent, dating and domestic violence, stalking, bystander intervention, and much more.
Syllabus Statements
Educators: Use your syllabus to educate on and show support for the university’s non-discrimination policy and provide resources for your students. See our example syllabus statements for use or models.
Sexual Violence Education Resources
In addition to the resources below, the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Center provides sexual violence prevention and education resources.
- What is Abuse? Warning Signs and Tips
- Was I sexually assaulted?
- Safety Planning: Tips for keeping safe and reducing the risk of future harm.
- Loveisrespect.org: Safety planning and more.